De Modenaar
De Modenaar

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Dossier 1: De Modenaar

Who is De Modenaar?
Very little is known about De Modenaar. It is foremost not sure there is only one Modenaar. The variety of areas “he” appears to be specialized in, make it very doubtful there are not more contributors to this felony. With apparent talents such as a marketer, fashion designer, communication specialist, photographer, professional manager, journalist, image consultant, ... and the many names that seem to refer to these different areas (Huurmodenaar, Seriemodenaar, Zelfmodenaar, Roofmodenaar), it his highly unlikely only one person can be guilty to all this.

What does De Modenaar do?
De Modenaar witnesses a Mode of style by targeting style victims with a series of trademark activities: He picks up creatively dressed people from the street and he identifies new upcoming trends. He captures flashy fashion facts and teaches about social insights from our surrounding esthetical society. He inspires with various moving pictures and he brings forward some of his own created pieces of clothing.

What is the motive of De Modenaar?
It remains unclear what actually drives De Modenaar. Against what he is (re)acting is not yet known… One theory is that De Modenaar reacts against the uniform clothing of people who are not thinking things true but simply wear what everybody wears. Another theory states that De Modenaar is Modevated to act for clothing with a little something more personal, creative or passionate. Whatever of both might be true, it is clear that De Modenaar’s passionate crime must be driven by a strong desire for creative clothing with considerable personality.

Where is De Modenaar active?
De Modenaar does not announce his actions upfront, but from his recent activities it seems he is mostly active in Ghent, Antwerp and Brussels. This is known from the tracks that are found at the different locations or from the souvenirs that are left with the style victim. In general he leaves a souvenir behind in the form of different small cards. The fact that De Modenaar uses different cards underpins the assumption that he wants his victims to collect these. That’s why the souvenirs that are found at the different locations or with the different victims are often called “collector cards”.