De Modenaar
De Modenaar

Thursday 16 September 2010

Business Cards

For when you meet the Modenaar in the streets
In the shops near to you...

Monday 9 August 2010

Q & A

1. Who is behind the "Modenaar"?
          I'm a Marketeer,... turned Designer,... turned Photographer,... as well..

2. Where are you from?

3. How would you describe ""?
          Reality fashion. 
          Or perhaps it can also be described as fashion inspiration from real life.

4. What can visitors find on ""?
         Pictures with inspiring fashion style from streets, wardrobes and shops in Belgium.

5. Why should people visit "", according to you?
         Because they want to be inspired by real people with interesting personalities and intriguing looks.

Monday 29 March 2010

People from over more than 100 countries...

In somewhat more than 1year, people from over more than 100 different countries have visited ""
source: Google Analytics (March 2010)